Monday, April 11, 2011

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci was a painter,architect, sculpture, and an engineer. he was born in Anchiano in April 15 1452. He study the regular education that they give to every child he learned reading, writing, arithmetic.he started painting at age 15 when his father saw that he had talent he send Leonardo to work with artist Andrea del Verrocchio. in Florance he started working on a shop next door to his teacher where he painted and draw picture of everything he saw. later he became the official painter and engineer for duke Ludovico Sforza's. later he would paint his most famous drawings like the last super and the Mona Lisa. Leonardo also had many notebooks where he sketch different parts of the human body and animal skeletons. he also made many inventions like a flying machine, a tank, catapults, and war machines. even do he was a great painter many people criticized him as being a weirdo for drawing humanism.

Friday, April 1, 2011

invisible children

the movie yesterday was really sad and interesting. the story was about a kid that look like a punk and decided to go to Africa with their friends so the could see about a problem they Uganda they meet a boy name tony which they became good friends with him and came every two-three years to see him. later they decided to make plans to help the children to stay in school and get there education. this really didn't make me feel anything just sad cause i know the lady was right we as Americans always tried to help people in our on way and not there way. but besides that it was good and i hope we stayed quiet for the 25 in april.